
Illustrative, Graphic, Merchandise and Installation Design

Wildflowers was a series done on “Unique Women of the New Testament” at the women’s ministry, Sheologie. An assortment of flowers were implemented into the graphic, installation, and merchandise design with the purpose of illustrating the uniqueness of women that are loved by God featured in the Bible. The minimal, neutral toned artwork allowed the floral illustrations and photos to be highlighted. 

The spatial design that was carried out at the entrance of the building and on stage were handmade and featured layers of texture and detail throughout. There was a display case made that presented a wildflower as a work of art with the artist’s description featuring Matthew 6:28. The display case as well as the larger than life flowers were created to help represent the unique beauty and personality that each woman has.

Merchandise and Wildflowers Artwork Photography by Latisha Carlson
Videography by Alicia Leyva

July 2021

The Artwork

The Printed Items

The Installation Displays

Video of Installation Design

The Video Shoot

Watch the first 30 seconds of the video below to see the video
made in support of the series.


Sheologie Winter Gala Branding and Collateral